Executive MBA
IAE Nice

Programme classé N°20 l'année dernière.

L'essentiel sur le Executive MBA de IAE Nice

Le Executive MBA est classé cette année à la 20ème place du classement master Executive MBA Part-Time. Le responsable du programme est Eric CAUVIN - Responsable de la formation .

Le programme est disponible en

  • Formation Initiale
  • Formation continue pour les professionnels

Le programme requiert une période de stage obligatoire.

La durée totale de la formation est de 12 mois suivant le profil du candidat.

La formation recrute les titulaires d'un Bac+4.

Université IAE Nice est labelisée :


Message du Directeur

Le mot de Eric CAUVIN - Responsable de la formation

IAE Nice Graduate School of Management of University Côte d’Azur offers top quality training programmes oriented towards accounting, international studies, marketing, management, or communication careers to meet the needs of the corporate world. 


The Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration) is a one-year program, entirely taught in 

English and designed for professionals willing to gain in-depth knowledge in the field of business 

Administration and project development on a global basis. 

The Executive MBA is conceived to give the ability to professionals to take their career to the next level. 

The environment ensures effective and interactive lectures, where renowned full professors and 

practitioners from different countries share their knowledge and expertise. 

Organised around a part-time format, with two seminars per month (two-day seminars taking place 

on Fridays and Saturdays), the MBA offers the opportunity to follow courses while keeping your 

professional activities with : 

• Open communication culture 

• Releasing the potential of everyone involved in the change 

• Championing innovation and creativity 

• Setting a good personal example 

• Self-pacing to avoid unnecessary stress. 


The main goal of the courses is to produce young and mature graduates who can operate a business function, unit or organisation by building students' capabilities in technical, professional and interpersonal skills. The focus is on developing specific skills including the capacity for analysing and synthesizing complex information and knowledge for tactical and strategic business decisions; effective leadership and teamwork skills; and designing innovative business models and strategies that adhere to the principles of responsible corporate governance and social responsibility. 


A research project on a business topic (in line with your professional activity) under the guidance of an academic supervisor will have to be prepared and defended at the end of the program. 


The Executive MBA gives you the possibility to develop professional and international networks and to complete a study-abroad period at one of our partner universities. 


With the Executive MBA you acquire lifelong tools to achieve your ambitions!

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Vous recherchez des avis d’étudiants sur le Executive MBA de IAE Nice ?

StudiesAdvisor.net est le premier site comparateur de programmes du Bac au MBA. Il se compose des avis que chacun peut déposer, aidant les générations futures d’étudiants à réaliser leur choix. Le site va aider ceux qui ont besoin de se faire conseiller pour faire les bons choix d’orientation pour leur Master Executive MBA Part-Time et qui veulent s’enrichir du vécu des autres.

Consultez les Avis pour le Executive MBA


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