L'essentiel sur le International MBA de IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School
Le International MBA est classé cette année à la 15ème place du classement master Executive MBA Part-Time. Le responsable du programme est Pierre-Yves LAGROUE - Directeur du programme, Maître de Conférences.
Le programme est disponible en
- Formation continue pour les professionnels
La durée totale de la formation est de 18 mois suivant le profil du candidat.
La formation recrute les titulaires d'un Bac+4 et Bac+5.
Université IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School est labelisée :
Message du Directeur
The International MBA of IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School aims to develop International business leaders, equipped to work in a fast-changing global economy. This is achieved through a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum, innovative teaching methods and direct connections with the business world. We address the central question of how companies relate to a broader environment that includes political, legal and economic risk assessment, business government relations and also relations with supra-national organizations. This is combined with a unique approach to personal development through the close supervision of an applied research project and the enhancement of soft skills. The International MBA is more than a program: it is a life-changing experience.
Why the International MBA at IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School?
1. Faculty excellence
Faculty members have in-depth international experience and maintain close ties with the business world through research and consulting activities.
2. World-class student body
The International MBA gathers a group of participants with true diversity (20 nationalities, 10+ years experience, variety of backgrounds, and industries).
3. Paris as a classroom
Benefit from a dynamic economical and cultural environment.
4. Experience in International Business through 3 International seminars
International seminars are held in three major cities: Brussels, Prague and Istanbul in order to gain a deeper understanding of how to do business globally.
5. Attractive part-time schedule designed for professionals working full-time
Classes are held two evenings a week and two Saturdays a month over fourteen months, making it possible to study while working full time.
6. The most competitively priced part-time MBA program in Paris
Part of the French University system, the Sorbonne Business School offers a high quality program at a cost within reach. This reflects our mission to promote the access to higher managerial position for all.
Vous recherchez des avis d’étudiants sur le International MBA de IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School ?
StudiesAdvisor.net est le premier site comparateur de programmes du Bac au MBA. Il se compose des avis que chacun peut déposer, aidant les générations futures d’étudiants à réaliser leur choix. Le site va aider ceux qui ont besoin de se faire conseiller pour faire les bons choix d’orientation pour leur Master Executive MBA Part-Time et qui veulent s’enrichir du vécu des autres.
Consultez les Avis pour le International MBA
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